Receiving data ================= The following examples were taken from test script and it shows comparison of two different approaches to receive and process UniRec records. Reading in loop --------------- The first example is a classical one with main loop and processing UniRec messages one by one: >>> import pytrap >>> import time >>> # Start Receiver >>> c2 = pytrap.TrapCtx() >>> c2.init(["-i", "f:/tmp/pytrap_test3"], 1) >>> c2.setRequiredFmt(0, pytrap.FMT_UNIREC, urtempl) >>> startt = time.process_time() >>> data = list() >>> while True: ... d = c2.recv() ... if not d: ... break ... t.setData(d) ... data.append(t.getDict()) >>> elapsed_time = time.process_time() - startt >>> print(f"recv() Elapsed time for {messages} messages is: {elapsed_time}") recv() Elapsed time for 10000000 messages is: 9.396470939999999 >>> c2.finalize() Bulk reading ------------ The second example seems to be more efficient and faster, however, it loads all data into memory (so beware of `time` and `count` parameters): >>> import pytrap >>> import time >>> # Start Receiver >>> c2 = pytrap.TrapCtx() >>> c2.init(["-i", "f:/tmp/pytrap_test3"], 1) >>> c2.setRequiredFmt(0, pytrap.FMT_UNIREC, urtempl) >>> startt = time.process_time() >>> data = c2.recvBulk(t, time=10, count=messages) >>> elapsed_time = time.process_time() - startt >>> print(f"recvBulk() Elapsed time for {messages} messages is: {elapsed_time}") recvBulk() Elapsed time for 10000000 messages is: 5.647379766 >>> c2.finalize() Load for pandas DataFrame ------------------------- To load data (5 records) into pandas.DataFrame, it is very simple like this: >>> import pytrap >>> pytrap.read_nemea("f:~/pstats.trapcap", nrows=5) DST_IP SRC_IP BYTES BYTES_REV ... D_PHISTS_SIZES S_PHISTS_IPT S_PHISTS_SIZES PPI_PKT_TIMES 0 143 143 ... [] [] [] [1636152115.816, 1636152115.827] 1 143 143 ... [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [1636152115.816, 1636152115.827] 2 159 161 ... [] [] [] [1636152118.645, 1636152118.668] 3 159 161 ... [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [1636152118.645, 1636152118.668] 4 2a00:1450:4014:80c::200e 2001:470:5828:100::82e 1216 1547 ... [] [] [] [1636152112.855, 1636152112.856, 1636152112.95... [5 rows x 25 columns] >>> Load into array (list) ---------------------- It can be also switched to return array: >>> pytrap.read_nemea("f:~/pstats.trapcap", nrows=2, array=True) [{'DST_IP': UnirecIPAddr(''), 'SRC_IP': UnirecIPAddr(''), 'BYTES': 143, 'BYTES_REV': 143, 'LINK_BIT_FIELD': 1, 'TIME_FIRST': UnirecTime(1636152115, 816), 'TIME_LAST': UnirecTime(1636152115, 827), 'DST_MAC': UnirecMACAddr('ac:84:c6:52:dd:15'), 'SRC_MAC': UnirecMACAddr('d4:3b:04:6d:31:2f'), 'PACKETS': 2, 'PACKETS_REV': 2, 'DST_PORT': 443, 'SRC_PORT': 51922, 'DIR_BIT_FIELD': 0, 'PROTOCOL': 6, 'TCP_FLAGS': 24, 'TCP_FLAGS_REV': 24, 'PPI_PKT_DIRECTIONS': [1, -1], 'PPI_PKT_FLAGS': [24, 24], 'PPI_PKT_LENGTHS': [39, 39], 'D_PHISTS_IPT': [], 'D_PHISTS_SIZES': [], 'S_PHISTS_IPT': [], 'S_PHISTS_SIZES': [], 'PPI_PKT_TIMES': [UnirecTime(1636152115, 816), UnirecTime(1636152115, 827)]}, {'DST_IP': UnirecIPAddr(''), 'SRC_IP': UnirecIPAddr(''), 'BYTES': 143, 'BYTES_REV': 143, 'LINK_BIT_FIELD': 1, 'TIME_FIRST': UnirecTime(1636152115, 816), 'TIME_LAST': UnirecTime(1636152115, 827), 'DST_MAC': UnirecMACAddr('ac:84:c6:52:dd:15'), 'SRC_MAC': UnirecMACAddr('d4:3b:04:6d:31:2f'), 'PACKETS': 2, 'PACKETS_REV': 2, 'DST_PORT': 443, 'SRC_PORT': 51922, 'DIR_BIT_FIELD': 0, 'PROTOCOL': 6, 'TCP_FLAGS': 24, 'TCP_FLAGS_REV': 24, 'PPI_PKT_DIRECTIONS': [1, -1], 'PPI_PKT_FLAGS': [24, 24], 'PPI_PKT_LENGTHS': [39, 39], 'D_PHISTS_IPT': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'D_PHISTS_SIZES': [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'S_PHISTS_IPT': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'S_PHISTS_SIZES': [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'PPI_PKT_TIMES': [UnirecTime(1636152115, 816), UnirecTime(1636152115, 827)]}] >>>