Installation of NEMEA

There are three different ways of installation of the NEMEA system covered in this document: vagrant, binary packages and source codes.


To try the system “out-of-box”, you can use Vagrant. For more information see ./vagrant/.

Binary packages

Latest RPM packages can be found in COPR: The NEMEA repository is at

After installation of COPR repository, NEMEA can be installed as any other package (run as root/sudo):

yum install nemea

Note: Latest systems (e.g. Fedora) use dnf instead of yum.

For development purposes, there is nemea-framework-devel package that installs all needed development files and docs.

Currently, we do not have .deb packages (for Debian/Ubuntu/…) but we are working on it. Please follow installation from source codes

Source codes

The whole system is based on GNU/Autotools build system that makes dependency checking and building process much more easier.

To clone the NEMEA repositories, use:

git clone --recursive

After successful clone and dependencies installation (!), use:


that will create configure scripts and other needed files.

The configure script supplies various possibilities of configuration and it uses some environmental variables that influence the build and compilation process. For more information see:

./configure --help

We recommend to set paths according to the used operating system, e.g.:

./configure --enable-repobuild --prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin/nemea --sysconfdir=/etc/nemea --libdir=/usr/lib64

After finishing ./configure, build process can be started by:


The make(1) tool has various parameters, to build the NEMEA package faster on multicore systems, we recommend to use parameter -j with the number of jobs that should be run in parallel.

When the compilation process ends without any error, the package can be installed into paths that were set by configure. It is recommended NOT to change target paths by passing variables directly to make(1). The installation can be done by (usually it requires root / sudo):

make install

Congratulations, the whole NEMEA system should be installed right now… :-)


RHEL/CentOS/Fedora (CentOS7 is mainly supported):

yum install -y bc autoconf automake gcc gcc-c++ libtool libxml2-devel make pkg-config libpcap-devel libidn-devel bison flex

Note: Latest systems (e.g. Fedora) use dnf instead of yum.


apt-get install -y gawk bc autoconf automake gcc g++ libtool libxml2-dev make pkg-config libpcap-dev libidn11-dev bison flex