Receiving data

The following examples were taken from test script and it shows comparison of two different approaches to receive and process UniRec records.

Reading in loop

The first example is a classical one with main loop and processing UniRec messages one by one:

>>> import pytrap
>>> import time
>>> # Start Receiver
>>> c2 = pytrap.TrapCtx()
>>> c2.init(["-i", "f:/tmp/pytrap_test3"], 1)
>>> c2.setRequiredFmt(0, pytrap.FMT_UNIREC, urtempl)
>>> startt = time.process_time()
>>> data = list()
>>> while True:
...     d = c2.recv()
...     if not d:
...         break
...     t.setData(d)
...     data.append(t.getDict())
>>> elapsed_time = time.process_time() - startt
>>> print(f"recv() Elapsed time for {messages} messages is: {elapsed_time}")
recv() Elapsed time for 10000000 messages is: 9.396470939999999
>>> c2.finalize()

Bulk reading

The second example seems to be more efficient and faster, however, it loads all data into memory (so beware of time and count parameters):

>>> import pytrap
>>> import time
>>> # Start Receiver
>>> c2 = pytrap.TrapCtx()
>>> c2.init(["-i", "f:/tmp/pytrap_test3"], 1)
>>> c2.setRequiredFmt(0, pytrap.FMT_UNIREC, urtempl)
>>> startt = time.process_time()
>>> data = c2.recvBulk(t, time=10, count=messages)
>>> elapsed_time = time.process_time() - startt
>>> print(f"recvBulk() Elapsed time for {messages} messages is: {elapsed_time}")
recvBulk() Elapsed time for 10000000 messages is: 5.647379766
>>> c2.finalize()

Load for pandas DataFrame

To load data (5 records) into pandas.DataFrame, it is very simple like this:

>>> import pytrap
>>> pytrap.read_nemea("f:~/pstats.trapcap", nrows=5)
                     DST_IP                  SRC_IP  BYTES  BYTES_REV  ...            D_PHISTS_SIZES              S_PHISTS_IPT            S_PHISTS_SIZES                                      PPI_PKT_TIMES
0      143        143  ...                        []                        []                        []                   [1636152115.816, 1636152115.827]
1      143        143  ...  [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]  [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]                   [1636152115.816, 1636152115.827]
2          159        161  ...                        []                        []                        []                   [1636152118.645, 1636152118.668]
3          159        161  ...  [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]  [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]                   [1636152118.645, 1636152118.668]
4  2a00:1450:4014:80c::200e  2001:470:5828:100::82e   1216       1547  ...                        []                        []                        []  [1636152112.855, 1636152112.856, 1636152112.95...

[5 rows x 25 columns] >>>

Load into array (list)

It can be also switched to return array:

>>> pytrap.read_nemea("f:~/pstats.trapcap", nrows=2, array=True)
[{'DST_IP': UnirecIPAddr(''), 'SRC_IP': UnirecIPAddr(''), 'BYTES': 143, 'BYTES_REV': 143, 'LINK_BIT_FIELD': 1, 'TIME_FIRST': UnirecTime(1636152115, 816), 'TIME_LAST': UnirecTime(1636152115, 827), 'DST_MAC': UnirecMACAddr('ac:84:c6:52:dd:15'), 'SRC_MAC': UnirecMACAddr('d4:3b:04:6d:31:2f'), 'PACKETS': 2, 'PACKETS_REV': 2, 'DST_PORT': 443, 'SRC_PORT': 51922, 'DIR_BIT_FIELD': 0, 'PROTOCOL': 6, 'TCP_FLAGS': 24, 'TCP_FLAGS_REV': 24, 'PPI_PKT_DIRECTIONS': [1, -1], 'PPI_PKT_FLAGS': [24, 24], 'PPI_PKT_LENGTHS': [39, 39], 'D_PHISTS_IPT': [], 'D_PHISTS_SIZES': [], 'S_PHISTS_IPT': [], 'S_PHISTS_SIZES': [], 'PPI_PKT_TIMES': [UnirecTime(1636152115, 816), UnirecTime(1636152115, 827)]}, {'DST_IP': UnirecIPAddr(''), 'SRC_IP': UnirecIPAddr(''), 'BYTES': 143, 'BYTES_REV': 143, 'LINK_BIT_FIELD': 1, 'TIME_FIRST': UnirecTime(1636152115, 816), 'TIME_LAST': UnirecTime(1636152115, 827), 'DST_MAC': UnirecMACAddr('ac:84:c6:52:dd:15'), 'SRC_MAC': UnirecMACAddr('d4:3b:04:6d:31:2f'), 'PACKETS': 2, 'PACKETS_REV': 2, 'DST_PORT': 443, 'SRC_PORT': 51922, 'DIR_BIT_FIELD': 0, 'PROTOCOL': 6, 'TCP_FLAGS': 24, 'TCP_FLAGS_REV': 24, 'PPI_PKT_DIRECTIONS': [1, -1], 'PPI_PKT_FLAGS': [24, 24], 'PPI_PKT_LENGTHS': [39, 39], 'D_PHISTS_IPT': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'D_PHISTS_SIZES': [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'S_PHISTS_IPT': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'S_PHISTS_SIZES': [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'PPI_PKT_TIMES': [UnirecTime(1636152115, 816), UnirecTime(1636152115, 827)]}]