UniRec  2.9.3
Go to the documentation of this file.
8 /*
9  * Copyright (C) 2015 CESNET
11  *
13  *
14  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
15  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
16  * are met:
17  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
18  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
19  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
20  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
21  * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
22  * distribution.
23  * 3. Neither the name of the Company nor the names of its contributors
24  * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
25  * software without specific prior written permission.
26  *
27  * ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this
28  * product may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
29  * License (GPL) version 2 or later, in which case the provisions
30  * of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.
31  *
32  * This software is provided ``as is'', and any express or implied
33  * warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
34  * merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
35  * In no event shall the company or contributors be liable for any
36  * direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential
37  * damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute
38  * goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
39  * interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether
40  * in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or
41  * otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even
42  * if advised of the possibility of such damage.
43  *
44  */
46 #ifndef _UNIREC2_H_
47 #define _UNIREC2_H_
49 #ifdef __cplusplus
50 extern "C" {
51 #endif
53 #ifndef __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS
54 #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS
55 #endif
56 #include <stdint.h>
58 #include "ipaddr.h"
59 #include "macaddr.h"
60 #include "ur_time.h"
61 #include "links.h"
62 #include "ur_values.h"
63 #include <libtrap/trap.h>
65 //General setting
70 #define UR_FIELD_ID_MAX INT16_MAX
71 #define UR_FIELDS(...)
72 #define UR_ARRAY_DELIMITER ' '
73 #define UR_ARRAY_ALLOC 10
74 //Iteration constants
75 #define UR_ITER_BEGIN (-1)
76 #define UR_ITER_END INT16_MAX
77 //default values
78 #define UR_INVALID_OFFSET 0xffff
79 #define UR_NO_DYNAMIC_VALUES 0xffff
81 #define UR_INITIALIZED 1
82 #define UR_INVALID_FIELD ((ur_field_id_t) 0xffff)
83 //return codes
85 #define UR_E_INVALID_FIELD_ID -5
86 #define UR_E_TYPE_MISMATCH -4
87 #define UR_E_INVALID_NAME -3
88 #define UR_E_INVALID_TYPE -2
89 #define UR_E_MEMORY -1
90 #define UR_OK 0
94 #define UR_COUNT_OF_TYPES 29
95 typedef enum {
113  // Arrays
129 typedef enum {
136 typedef int16_t ur_field_id_t;
142 typedef struct ur_field_id_linked_list_s ur_field_id_linked_list_t;
145  ur_field_id_linked_list_t *next;
146 };
152 typedef struct {
153  char **ur_field_names;
154  short *ur_field_sizes;
164 typedef struct {
165  char **ur_field_names;
166  short *ur_field_sizes;
174  ur_field_id_linked_list_t * ur_undefine_fields;
175  uint8_t intialized;
182 typedef struct field_spec_s {
183  char *name;
184  int size;
186 } field_spec_t;
191 typedef struct {
192  uint16_t *offset;
193  uint16_t offset_size;
194  int16_t *ids;
195  uint16_t first_dynamic;
196  uint16_t count;
197  uint16_t static_size;
199  uint32_t ifc_out;
200 } ur_template_t;
219 #define TRAP_RECEIVE(ifc_num, data, data_size, tmplt) \
220  TRAP_CTX_RECEIVE(trap_get_global_ctx(), ifc_num, data, data_size, tmplt);
233 #define TRAP_CTX_RECEIVE(ctx, ifc_num, data, data_size, tmplt) __extension__ \
234 ({\
235  int ret = trap_ctx_recv(ctx, ifc_num, &data, &data_size);\
236  if (ret == TRAP_E_FORMAT_CHANGED) {\
237  const char *spec = NULL;\
238  uint8_t data_fmt;\
239  if (trap_ctx_get_data_fmt(ctx, TRAPIFC_INPUT, ifc_num, &data_fmt, &spec) != TRAP_E_OK) {\
240  fprintf(stderr, "Data format was not loaded.\n");\
241  } else {\
242  tmplt = ur_define_fields_and_update_template(spec, tmplt);\
243  if (tmplt == NULL) {\
244  fprintf(stderr, "Template could not be edited.\n");\
245  } else {\
246  if (tmplt->direction == UR_TMPLT_DIRECTION_BI) {\
247  char * spec_cpy = ur_cpy_string(spec);\
248  if (spec_cpy == NULL) {\
249  fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation problem.\n");\
250  } else {\
251  trap_ctx_set_data_fmt(ctx, tmplt->ifc_out, TRAP_FMT_UNIREC, spec_cpy);\
252  }\
253  }\
254  }\
255  }\
256  }\
257  ret;\
258 })
271 /*#define UNIREC_CTX_CHECK_TEMPLATE (ctx, ret, ifc_num, tmplt, fmt_changed_cmd, fmt_not_compatabile_cmd) __extension__ \
272 ({\
273  if (ret == TRAP_E_OK_FORMAT_CHANGED && trap_ctx_get_in_ifc_state(ctx, ifc_num) == FMT_SUBSET) {\
274  const char *spec = NULL;\
275  uint8_t data_fmt;\
276  if (trap_ctx_get_data_fmt(ctx, TRAPIFC_INPUT, ifc_num, &data_fmt, &spec) != TRAP_E_OK) {\
277  fprintf(stderr, "Data format was not loaded.");\
278  } else {\
279  tmplt = ur_define_fields_and_update_template(spec, tmplt);\
280  if (tmplt == NULL) {\
281  fprintf(stderr, "Template could not be edited");\
282  } else {\
283  if (tmplt->direction == UR_TMPLT_DIRECTION_BI) {\
284  char * spec_cpy = ur_cpy_string(spec);\
285  if (spec_cpy == NULL) {\
286  fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation problem.");\
287  } else {\
288  trap_ctx_set_data_fmt(ctx, tmplt->ifc_out, TRAP_FMT_UNIREC, spec_cpy);\
289  }\
290  }\
291  trap_ctx_confirm_ifc_state(ctx, ifc_num);\
292  fmt_changed_cmd;
293  }\
294  }\
295  }\
296  ret;\
297 })*/
298 /* libtraphelpers */
314 extern const int ur_field_type_size[];
321 extern const char *ur_field_type_str[];
328 extern int ur_field_array_elem_type[];
354 char *ur_template_string_delimiter(const ur_template_t *tmplt, int delimiter);
364 #define ur_template_string(tmplt) \
365  ur_template_string_delimiter(tmplt, ',')
372 #define ur_size_of(type) \
373  ur_field_type_size[type]
380 #define ur_get_name(field_id) \
381  ur_field_specs.ur_field_names[field_id]
388 #define ur_get_type(field_id) \
389  ur_field_specs.ur_field_types[field_id]
397 int ur_get_field_type_from_str(const char *type);
405 #define ur_get_size(field_id) \
406  ur_field_specs.ur_field_sizes[field_id]
418 #define ur_get(tmplt, data, field_id) \
419  (*(field_id ## _T*)((char *)(data) + (tmplt)->offset[field_id]))
430 #define ur_get_ptr(tmplt, data, field_id) \
431  (field_id ## _T*)((char *) (ur_is_static(field_id) ? ((char *)(data) + (tmplt)->offset[field_id]) : \
432  (char *)(data) + (tmplt)->static_size + (*((uint16_t *)((char *)(data) + (tmplt)->offset[field_id])))))
442 #define ur_get_ptr_by_id(tmplt, data, field_id) \
443  (void *)((char *) (ur_is_static(field_id) ? ((char *)(data) + (tmplt)->offset[field_id]) : \
444  (char *)(data) + (tmplt)->static_size + (*((uint16_t *)((char *)(data) + (tmplt)->offset[field_id])))))
454 #define ur_set(tmplt, data, field_id, value) \
455  (*(field_id ## _T*)((char *)(data) + (tmplt)->offset[field_id]) = (value))
464 #define ur_get_var_offset(tmplt, rec, field_id) \
465  *((uint16_t *)((char *) rec + tmplt->offset[field_id]))
474 #define ur_get_var_len(tmplt, rec, field_id) \
475  *((uint16_t *)((char *) rec + tmplt->offset[field_id] + 2))
485 #define ur_set_var_len(tmplt, rec, field_id, len) \
486  *((uint16_t *)((char *) rec + tmplt->offset[field_id] + 2)) = (uint16_t) len
496 #define ur_set_var_offset(tmplt, rec, field_id, offset_val) \
497  *((uint16_t *)((char *) rec + tmplt->offset[field_id])) = (uint16_t) offset_val
506 #define ur_get_len(tmplt, rec, field) \
507  ur_is_static(field) ? ur_get_size(field) : ur_get_var_len(tmplt, rec, field)
517 #define ur_set_string(tmplt, rec, field_id, str) \
518  ur_set_var(tmplt, rec, field_id, str, strlen(str))
526 #define ur_is_array(field_id) \
527  (ur_field_type_size[ur_get_type(field_id)] < 0 ? 1 : 0)
535 #define ur_array_get_elem_size(field_id) \
536  (ur_field_type_size[ur_get_type(field_id)] < 0 ? -ur_field_type_size[ur_get_type(field_id)] : ur_field_type_size[ur_get_type(field_id)])
546 #define ur_array_get_elem_cnt(tmplt, rec, field_id) \
547  (ur_get_var_len(tmplt, rec, field_id) / ur_array_get_elem_size(field_id))
555 #define ur_array_get_elem_type(field_id) \
556  ur_field_array_elem_type[ur_get_type(field_id)]
568 #define ur_array_set(tmplt, rec, field_id, index, element) \
569  if ((index) * ur_array_get_elem_size(field_id) < ur_get_var_len(tmplt, rec, field_id) || ur_array_resize(tmplt, rec, field_id, (index + 1) * ur_array_get_elem_size(field_id)) == UR_OK) { \
570  (((field_id ## _T)((char *)(ur_get_ptr_by_id(tmplt, rec, field_id))))[index] = (element)); \
571  }
581 #define ur_array_append(tmplt, rec, field_id, element) \
582  if (ur_array_resize(tmplt, rec, field_id, (ur_array_get_elem_cnt(tmplt, rec, field_id) + 1) * ur_array_get_elem_size(field_id)) == UR_OK) { \
583  (((field_id ## _T)((char *)(ur_get_ptr_by_id(tmplt, rec, field_id))))[ur_array_get_elem_cnt(tmplt, rec, field_id) - 1] = (element)); \
584  }
594 char *ur_array_append_get_ptr(const ur_template_t *tmplt, void *rec, int field_id);
604 #define ur_array_clear(tmplt, rec, field_id) \
605  ur_array_resize(tmplt, rec, field_id, 0)
617 #define ur_array_get(tmplt, rec, field_id, index) \
618  ((field_id ## _T)((char *)(ur_get_ptr_by_id(tmplt, rec, field_id))))[index]
629 #define ur_array_allocate(tmplt, rec, field_id, elem_cnt) \
630  ur_array_resize(tmplt, rec, field_id, (elem_cnt) * ur_array_get_elem_size(field_id))
638 #define ur_is_present(tmplt, field_id) \
639  ((tmplt)->offset_size > (field_id) && (tmplt)->offset[(field_id)] != UR_INVALID_OFFSET)
646 #define ur_is_varlen(field_id) \
647  (ur_field_specs.ur_field_sizes[field_id] < 0)
650 #define ur_is_dynamic(field_id) \
651  ur_is_varlen(field_id)
658 #define ur_is_fixlen(field_id) \
659  (ur_field_specs.ur_field_sizes[field_id] >= 0)
662 #define ur_is_static(field_id) \
663  ur_is_fixlen(field_id)
671 #define ur_rec_fixlen_size(tmplt) \
672  ((tmplt)->static_size)
680 #define ur_rec_size(tmplt, rec) \
681  (ur_rec_fixlen_size(tmplt) + ur_rec_varlen_size(tmplt, rec))
688 int ur_init(ur_static_field_specs_t field_specs_static);
695 int ur_get_empty_id();
707 int ur_define_field(const char *name, ur_field_type_t type);
721 int ur_define_set_of_fields(const char *ifc_data_fmt);
741 int ur_undefine_field(const char *name);
750 void ur_finalize();
757 int ur_get_id_by_name(const char *name);
766 int compare_fields(const void *field1, const void *field2);
781 ur_template_t *ur_create_template(const char *fields, char **errstr);
793 #define ur_create_input_template(ifc, fields, errstr) \
794  ur_ctx_create_input_template(trap_get_global_ctx(), ifc, fields, errstr);
806 #define ur_create_output_template(ifc, fields, errstr) \
807  ur_ctx_create_output_template(trap_get_global_ctx(), ifc, fields, errstr);
819 ur_template_t *ur_ctx_create_output_template(trap_ctx_t *ctx, int ifc, const char *fields, char **errstr);
831 ur_template_t *ur_ctx_create_input_template(trap_ctx_t *ctx, int ifc, const char *fields, char **errstr);
840 int ur_ctx_set_output_template(trap_ctx_t *ctx, int ifc, ur_template_t *tmplt);
847 #define ur_set_output_template(ifc, tmplt) \
848  ur_ctx_set_output_template(trap_get_global_ctx(), ifc, tmplt)
856 int ur_ctx_set_input_template(trap_ctx_t *ctx, int ifc, ur_template_t *tmplt);
863 #define ur_set_input_template(ifc, tmplt) \
864  ur_ctx_set_input_template(trap_get_global_ctx(), ifc, tmplt)
877 ur_template_t *ur_ctx_create_bidirectional_template(trap_ctx_t *ctx, int ifc_in, int ifc_out, const char *fields, char **errstr);
890 #define ur_create_bidirectional_template(ifc_in, ifc_out, fields, errstr) \
891  ur_ctx_create_bidirectional_template(trap_get_global_ctx(), ifc_in, ifc_out, fields, errstr);
904 ur_template_t *ur_expand_template(const char *ifc_data_fmt, ur_template_t *tmplt);
918 ur_template_t *ur_define_fields_and_update_template(const char *ifc_data_fmt, ur_template_t *tmplt);
929 ur_template_t *ur_create_template_from_ifc_spec(const char *ifc_data_fmt);
936 void ur_free_template(ur_template_t *tmplt);
947 int ur_template_compare(const ur_template_t *tmpltA, const ur_template_t *tmpltB);
955 void ur_print_template(ur_template_t *tmplt);
968 int ur_set_var(const ur_template_t *tmplt, void *rec, int field_id, const void *val_ptr, int val_len);
977 int ur_array_resize(const ur_template_t *tmplt, void *rec, int field_id, int len);
986 void ur_clear_varlen(const ur_template_t *tmplt, void *rec);
994 uint16_t ur_rec_varlen_size(const ur_template_t *tmplt, const void *rec);
1012 void *ur_create_record(const ur_template_t *tmplt, uint16_t max_var_size);
1013 #define UR_MAX_SIZE 0xffff
1020 void ur_free_record(void *record);
1032 char *ur_get_var_as_str(const ur_template_t *tmplt, const void *rec, ur_field_id_t field_id);
1045 void ur_copy_fields(const ur_template_t *dst_tmplt, void *dst, const ur_template_t *src_tmplt, const void *src);
1056 #define ur_cpy(tmplt, src, dst) \
1057  (memcpy(dst,src,ur_rec_size(tmplt,src)))
1058 /*inline void ur_cpy(ur_template_t *tmplt, const void *src, void *dst)
1059 {
1060  memcpy(dst, src, ur_rec_size(tmplt, src));
1061 }*/
1071 void *ur_clone_record(const ur_template_t *tmplt, const void *src);
1107 ur_iter_t ur_iter_fields_record_order(const ur_template_t *tmplt, int index);
1117 int ur_set_array_from_string(const ur_template_t *tmpl, void *data, ur_field_id_t f_id, const char *v);
1127 int ur_set_from_string(const ur_template_t *tmpl, void *data, ur_field_id_t f_id, const char *v);
1137 char *ur_ifc_data_fmt_to_field_names(const char *ifc_data_fmt);
1145 char *ur_cpy_string(const char *str);
1156 const char *ur_values_get_name_start_end(uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int32_t value);
1167 const char *ur_values_get_description_start_end(uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int32_t value);
1176 #define ur_values_get_name(field, value) \
1177  ur_values_get_name_start_end(UR_TYPE_START_ ## field, UR_TYPE_END_ ## field, value)
1186 #define ur_values_get_description(field, value) \
1187  ur_values_get_description_start_end(UR_TYPE_START_ ## field, UR_TYPE_END_ ## field, value)
1188 /* urtemplate */
1193 #ifdef __cplusplus
1194 } // extern "C"
1195 #endif
1197 #endif
var-len fields (string where only printable characters are expected; &#39;\0&#39; at the end should NOT be in...
Definition: unirec.h:96
int (8b)
Definition: unirec.h:102
float (32b)
Definition: unirec.h:107
ur_iter_t ur_iter_fields(const ur_template_t *tmplt, ur_iter_t id)
Iterate over fields of a template in order of a record This function can be used to iterate over all ...
Definition: unirec.c:1286
int ur_set_array_from_string(const ur_template_t *tmpl, void *data, ur_field_id_t f_id, const char *v)
Set value of a UniRec array field.
Definition: unirec.c:1315
int (8b) array
Definition: unirec.h:115
ur_tmplt_direction direction
Direction of data input, output, bidirection, no direction.
Definition: unirec.h:198
Sorting fields structure This structure is used to sort fields by their size and name. The structure is passed to the sorting algorithm.
Definition: unirec.h:182
int ur_define_set_of_fields(const char *ifc_data_fmt)
Define set of new UniRec fields Define new UniRec fields at run-time. It adds new fields into existin...
Definition: unirec.c:558
void * ur_clone_record(const ur_template_t *tmplt, const void *src)
Create new UniRec and copy the source UniRec into it. Function creates new UniRec record and fills it...
Definition: unirec.c:1243
input direction
Definition: unirec.h:131
ur_field_id_t ur_allocated_fields
Definition: unirec.h:173
MAC address (48b) array.
Definition: unirec.h:125
int (64b)
Definition: unirec.h:106
ur_field_id_t id
ID of a field.
Definition: unirec.h:185
int ur_get_empty_id()
Return first empty id for new UniRec field Return first empty id for new UniRec field. If there is no space in the UniRec structures, it will increase space in the existing structures.
Definition: unirec.c:288
ur_template_t * ur_create_template(const char *fields, char **errstr)
Create UniRec template Create new UniRec template specified by a string containing names of its field...
Definition: unirec.c:900
unsigned int (16b)
Definition: unirec.h:101
Structure to store both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and associated functions.
void ur_clear_varlen(const ur_template_t *tmplt, void *rec)
Clear variable-length part of a record. For better performance of setting content to variable-length ...
Definition: unirec.c:1195
int ur_define_field(const char *name, ur_field_type_t type)
Define new UniRec field Define new UniRec field at run-time. It adds new field into existing structur...
Definition: unirec.c:636
const char * ur_values_get_description_start_end(uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int32_t value)
Returns description of specified value (Helper function) Helper function for ur_values_get_descriptio...
Definition: unirec.c:1676
ur_static_field_specs_t UR_FIELD_SPECS_STATIC
Structure that lists staticaly defined UniRec field specifications such as names, types...
Definition: unirec.c:202
Linked list for undefined field ids Linked list consisting of field ids, which are freed after operat...
Definition: unirec.h:143
short * ur_field_sizes
Array of sizes of fields.
Definition: unirec.h:166
int ur_ctx_set_output_template(trap_ctx_t *ctx, int ifc, ur_template_t *tmplt)
Set UniRec template to ouput interface on specified context.
Definition: unirec.c:836
char * ur_cpy_string(const char *str)
Duplicates given string. Helper function which returns pointer to duplicated string. New string has to be freed by user.
Definition: unirec.c:1655
short * ur_field_sizes
Array of sizes of fields.
Definition: unirec.h:154
int ur_set_from_string(const ur_template_t *tmpl, void *data, ur_field_id_t f_id, const char *v)
Set value of a UniRec field.
Definition: unirec.c:1487
ur_template_t * ur_ctx_create_output_template(trap_ctx_t *ctx, int ifc, const char *fields, char **errstr)
Create UniRec template and set it to output interface on specified context Creates UniRec template...
Definition: unirec.c:817
Definition: unirec.h:133
int ur_field_array_elem_type[]
UniRec array element types.
Definition: unirec.c:168
MAC address (48b)
Definition: unirec.h:110
IP address (128b) array.
Definition: unirec.h:124
char ** ur_field_names
Array of names of fields.
Definition: unirec.h:165
char ** ur_field_names
Array of names of fields.
Definition: unirec.h:153
char * name
Name of a field.
Definition: unirec.h:183
Structure to store MAC address and associated functions.
UniRec default field list It contains all fields which are specified statically in source code of a m...
Definition: unirec.h:152
unsigned int (64b) array
Definition: unirec.h:120
int (32b)
Definition: unirec.h:104
const int ur_field_type_size[]
Sizes of UniRec data types.
Definition: unirec.c:94
int ur_get_field_type_from_str(const char *type)
Definition: unirec.c:355
char * ur_array_append_get_ptr(const ur_template_t *tmplt, void *rec, int field_id)
Allocate new element at the end of array and return its pointer.
Definition: unirec.c:1184
ur_template_t * ur_expand_template(const char *ifc_data_fmt, ur_template_t *tmplt)
Expand UniRec template Expand existing UniRec template by a string containing types and names of its ...
Definition: unirec.c:486
ur_template_t * ur_define_fields_and_update_template(const char *ifc_data_fmt, ur_template_t *tmplt)
Defined new fields and expand an UniRec template Define new fields (function ur_define_set_of_fields)...
Definition: unirec.c:610
void ur_finalize()
Deallocate UniRec structures Deallocate UniRec structures at the end of a program. This function SHOULD be called after all UniRec functions and macros invocations, typically during a cleanup phase before the program&#39;s end. This function has to be called if some fields are defined during run-time, otherwise this function is needless.
Definition: unirec.c:734
ur_template_t * ur_ctx_create_input_template(trap_ctx_t *ctx, int ifc, const char *fields, char **errstr)
Create UniRec template and set it to input interface on specified context Creates UniRec template...
Definition: unirec.c:798
int ur_set_var(const ur_template_t *tmplt, void *rec, int field_id, const void *val_ptr, int val_len)
Set content of variable-length UniRec field Copy given data into variable-length UniRec field...
Definition: unirec.c:1152
char * ur_get_var_as_str(const ur_template_t *tmplt, const void *rec, ur_field_id_t field_id)
Get variable-length UniRec field as a C string Copy data of a variable-length field from UniRec recor...
Definition: unirec.c:1229
IP address (128b)
Definition: unirec.h:109
unsigned int (32b) array
Definition: unirec.h:118
unsigned int (64b)
Definition: unirec.h:105
template is not used for sending data
Definition: unirec.h:130
Types, macros and function for UniRec timestamp format.
void * rec
ur_field_type_t * ur_field_types
Array of types of fields.
Definition: unirec.h:167
ur_field_specs_t ur_field_specs
Structure that lists UniRec field specifications such as names, types, id.
Definition: unirec.c:201
int ur_undefine_field_by_id(ur_field_id_t field_id)
Undefine UniRec field by its id Undefine UniRec field created at run-time. It erases given field from...
Definition: unirec.c:695
void * ur_create_record(const ur_template_t *tmplt, uint16_t max_var_size)
Definition: unirec.c:1214
uint16_t count
Count of fields in template.
Definition: unirec.h:196
unsigned int (16b) array
Definition: unirec.h:116
UniRec fields structure It contains all fields which are statically defined by UR_FIELDS(...) and run-time generated fields. This structure can be modified during run-time by generating new fields and erasing existing fields.
Definition: unirec.h:164
int ur_undefine_field(const char *name)
Undefine UniRec field by its name Undefine UniRec field created at run-time. It erases given field fr...
Definition: unirec.c:720
ur_template_t * ur_create_template_from_ifc_spec(const char *ifc_data_fmt)
Create UniRec template from data format string. Creates new UniRec template (function ur_create_templ...
Definition: unirec.c:625
double (64b)
Definition: unirec.h:108
int16_t * ids
Array of ids in template.
Definition: unirec.h:194
int (8b) array
Definition: unirec.h:117
void ur_free_record(void *record)
Definition: unirec.c:1223
int16_t ur_field_id_t
Type of UniRec field identifiers.
Definition: unirec.h:136
uint16_t ur_rec_varlen_size(const ur_template_t *tmplt, const void *rec)
Get size of variable sized part of UniRec record Get total size of all variable-length fields in an U...
Definition: unirec.c:1204
int (32b) array
Definition: unirec.h:119
void ur_free_template(ur_template_t *tmplt)
Destroy UniRec template Free all memory allocated for a template created previously by ur_create_temp...
Definition: unirec.c:1088
ur_field_id_t ur_last_id
Last specified ID.
Definition: unirec.h:156
ur_template_t * ur_ctx_create_bidirectional_template(trap_ctx_t *ctx, int ifc_in, int ifc_out, const char *fields, char **errstr)
Create UniRec template and set it to input and output interface on specified context Creates UniRec t...
Definition: unirec.c:875
var-len fields (generic string of bytes)
Definition: unirec.h:97
uint16_t static_size
Size of static part.
Definition: unirec.h:197
uint32_t ifc_out
output interface number (stored only if the direction == UR_TMPLT_DIRECTION_BI)
Definition: unirec.h:199
int ur_array_resize(const ur_template_t *tmplt, void *rec, int field_id, int len)
Change length of a array field.
Definition: unirec.c:1170
int size
Size of a field.
Definition: unirec.h:184
double (64b) array
Definition: unirec.h:123
ur_field_id_t ur_last_statically_defined_id
Last statically defined field by UR_FIELDS(...)
Definition: unirec.h:168
unsigned int (8b) array
Definition: unirec.h:114
ur_field_id_t ur_last_id
The highest ID of a field + 1.
Definition: unirec.h:169
unsigned int (32b)
Definition: unirec.h:103
int ur_init(ur_static_field_specs_t field_specs_static)
Initialize UniRec structures Initialize UniRec structures. Function is called during defining first o...
Definition: unirec.c:206
int ur_ctx_set_input_template(trap_ctx_t *ctx, int ifc, ur_template_t *tmplt)
Set UniRec template to input interface on specified context.
Definition: unirec.c:856
ur_field_id_t ur_iter_t
Type for identifying iteration id through all fields.
Definition: unirec.h:137
Definition: unirec.h:95
void ur_print_template(ur_template_t *tmplt)
Print UniRec template Print static_size, first_dynamic and table of offsets to stdout (for debugging)...
Definition: unirec.c:1115
ur_field_id_linked_list_t * ur_undefine_fields
linked list of free (undefined) IDs
Definition: unirec.h:174
char * ur_ifc_data_fmt_to_field_names(const char *ifc_data_fmt)
Parses field names from data format Function parses field names from data format and returns pointer ...
Definition: unirec.c:434
int compare_fields(const void *field1, const void *field2)
Compare fields Compare two fields. This function is for sorting the fields in the right order...
Definition: unirec.c:785
char * ur_template_string_delimiter(const ur_template_t *tmplt, int delimiter)
Get UniRec specifier of the tmplt template with delimiter between fields.
Definition: unirec.c:253
uint16_t * offset
Table of offsets.
Definition: unirec.h:192
uint8_t intialized
If the UniRec is initialized by function ur_init variable is set to UR_INITIALIZED, otherwise 0.
Definition: unirec.h:175
uint16_t first_dynamic
First dynamic (variable-length) field. Index to the ids array.
Definition: unirec.h:195
int (64b) array
Definition: unirec.h:121
ur_field_id_linked_list_t * next
Pointer to next item in the linked list.
Definition: unirec.h:145
ur_field_type_t * ur_field_types
Array of types of fields.
Definition: unirec.h:155
time (64b)
Definition: unirec.h:111
void ur_copy_fields(const ur_template_t *dst_tmplt, void *dst, const ur_template_t *src_tmplt, const void *src)
Copy data from one UniRec record to another. Copies all fields present in both templates from src to ...
Definition: unirec.c:1253
Definition: unirec.h:98
unsigned int (8b)
Definition: unirec.h:99
UniRec template. It contains a table mapping a field to its position in an UniRec record...
Definition: unirec.h:191
time (64b) array
Definition: unirec.h:126
Definition: unirec.h:129
int (8b)
Definition: unirec.h:100
uint16_t offset_size
size of offset table.
Definition: unirec.h:193
ur_field_id_t id
free id
Definition: unirec.h:144
int ur_template_compare(const ur_template_t *tmpltA, const ur_template_t *tmpltB)
Compares fields of two UniRec templates Function compares only sets of UniRec fields (direction is no...
Definition: unirec.c:1104
ur_iter_t ur_iter_fields_record_order(const ur_template_t *tmplt, int index)
Iterate over fields of a template This function can be used to iterate over all fields of a given tem...
Definition: unirec.c:1306
int ur_get_id_by_name(const char *name)
Get ID of a field by its name Get ID of a field by its name.
Definition: unirec.c:774
const char * ur_field_type_str[]
UniRec data types.
Definition: unirec.c:133
const char * ur_values_get_name_start_end(uint32_t start, uint32_t end, int32_t value)
Returns name of specified value (Helper function) Helper function for ur_values_get_name. This function returns name of specified value and field, which is defined in values file. Function needs start and end index of a field.
Definition: unirec.c:1666
ouput direction
Definition: unirec.h:132
float (32b) array
Definition: unirec.h:122