
Contrary to the first version of reporting modules, which were configured separately using parameters from CLI, it became needed to create a central configuration that can be shared with all reporting modules.

Reporting modules (reporters) are currently python-written modules that import report2idea from the python-nemea-pycommon (it is a part of NEMEA-framework). The aim of each module is to convert output of related detection module into JSON-based IDEA format.

The following figure shows a simple example of deployed detection modules and their reporters. The central configuration is a file written in Yaml format. The configuration file specifies what to do with received IDEA messages.

Simple examples

Short example can be found in the NEMEA-modules repository

The second and more complex example is placed in the pycommon directory


Configuration consists of several sections: namespace, smtp connections, address groups, custom actions, and list of rules.


Usually, all reporters share the common prefix of their name that identify deployed system. This prefix should be set by namespace key. For example, all reporters on CESNET collector with NEMEA system share the namespace cz.cesnet.nemea.

Automatically, each reporter appends its unique name. For example, reporter creates name: cz.cesnet.nemea.vportscan

Note: it is set in the source code of the module, e.g., MODULE_NAME = "vportscan" in source.

Note2: if you want to override this behavior, reporters still support -n option to provide a complete name.

SMTP connections


This section contains a list of configured SMTP servers that can be referenced from email action (see below in Custom actions).

Each connection can contain the following parameters:

  • id - identifier of an SMTP connection
  • server - (optional) Hostname of SMTP server, localhost is default
  • port - (optional) Port of SMTP server, 25 is default
  • key - (optional) Path to key file for TLS
  • chain - (optional) Path to certificate (chain) file for TLS
  • forceSSL - (optional) Boolean value to force SSL connection from the beginning, False is default
  • startTLS - (optional) Boolean value to perform STARTTLS, False is default
  • user - (optional) User name for SMTP server requiring authentication
  • pass - (optional) Password for SMTP server requiring authentication

Warning: Username and password (for authentication) are passed in plain-text so be cautious to use this.

Note: If forceSSL is set to True, startTLS has no effect.


  - id: 'mylocalserver'
    port: 25
    user: ''
    pass: ''
    key: ''
    chain: ''
    force_ssl: False
    start_tls: False

Address groups


This section contains definition of lists of addresses either specified directly “in-text” or loaded from a file. Since the lists have their identifiers - names, it is possible to refer the list of addresses in conditions of rules.

The addressgroups section is optional.

Custom actions


The whole configuration stands upon lists of rules (described in the following section) that specify what to do with each reported event - IDEA message. There are several types of actions that can be performed. Most of action types require some parameters so the action must be “defined” in the Custom actions section to be referred from a rule.

To define an action in custom_actions list, unique name (id) and type of the action must be defined. Some action types can require additional arguments.

The custom_actions section is optional.

Each custom action can be one of the following action types:


Send the message to Warden server.

Note: to use this action, the reporter module must be started with --warden= parameter that specifies path to Warden client config file.

Action arguments:

  • url - URL of a warden server (this does not work right now)


Store message into file or into files in directory.

Action arguments:

  • path - path to a log file; if a directory is given, create a separate files with unique name for each message; otherwise if a regular file is given, append the message to the given file.
  • temp_path - temporary write the file into temp_path directory; when the content is written, move the file into path automatically (this is useful for utilities that wait for the new files and need a complete content before opening the file, such as warden_filer)


Send message via SMTP.

This action sends each alert as an e-mail message. Be careful with this action, it is not recommended for frequent alerts, it may generate lots of e-mails since there is currently no implemented aggregation in this action.

Action arguments:

  • smtp_connection - reference to predefined SMTP server (see SMTP connections section above)
  • to - Destination e-mail address, multiple addresses might be specified, separated by comma (,).
  • subject - Subject of the messages that is used as a jinja2 template; an IDEA message is passed as idea object; Besides idea, the following variables can be used in the subject:
    • category a comma separated list of Categories or “N/A”,
    • node a name of last Node (in IDEA message),
    • src_ip an IP address and “(…)” when there are more, “N/A” when there is no IP,
    • tgt_ip an IP address and “(…)” when there are more, “N/A” when there is no IP,
    • byte_rate rate in Mb/s or empty string when it’s not computable,
    • flow_rate rate in flow/s or empty string when it’s not computable.
  • template - path to the file with body of the message that is used as a jinja2 template; an IDEA message is passed as idea object
  • from - (optional) Source e-mail address.

Example template file in jinja2:

NEMEA system has detected a possible security event.

 Description:  {{ idea.Description }}
 Category: {{ idea.Category | join(", ") }}
 Source(s) of Trouble: {% for s in idea.Source %}{% if s.IP4 %}{{ s.IP4 | join(", ") }}{% endif %} {% if s.IP6 %}{{ s.IP6 | join(", ") }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
 Victim(s):  {% for t in idea.Target %}{% if t.IP4 %}{{ t.IP4 | join(", ") }}{% endif %} {% if t.IP6 %}{{ t.IP6 | join(", ") }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
 Note:      {{ idea.Note }}
 Event Time: {{ idea.EventTime }}
 Cease Time: {{ idea.CeaseTime }}
 Detect Time: {{ idea.DetectTime }}

Raw message:

{{ idea }}

Similarly, subject can contain similar jinja2 constructs like in the body template example.


Store message into MongoDB.

Action arguments:

  • host
  • port
  • db name
  • collection name
  • user (optional)
  • password (optional)


Add label into alert / modify IDEA message.

The modification of the message by mark action is valid ONLY for the subsequent actions of the list of actions/elseactions where the mark action is used. That means the modification is not global - for more than one rule.

Action arguments:

  • path - Path in JSON
  • value - string

Note: path_set(msg, path, value) from Mentat is used


Send the message via output TRAP IFC.

Note: to use this action, the reporter module must be started with --trap and correct IFC_SPEC with one input and one output IFC must be passed via -i.

Action arguments: No arguments.


Send the message into syslog.

Action arguments:

  • identifier - string, identification of log entries in syslog; journalctl can find them using -t identifier
  • logoption - string, options (flags) to control behavior of the syslog logging, it can be chained using | operator (binary or)
  • facility - string, facility that is used for syslog (e.g., LOG_DAEMON, LOG_USER)
  • priority - string, priority of the message that is used for syslog (e.g., LOG_ALERT)

To find all possible values of the arguments, see man syslog.h (


  - id: mysyslog
      identifier: NEMEA
      logoption: LOG_PID | LOG_CONS
      facility: LOG_DAEMON
      priority: LOG_ALERT


Implicitly defined action, it can be used without any definition in custom_actions section. Moreover, it MUST NOT be defined in custom_actions.



This section consists of rules - list of rule ordered by id which is integer (the order is significant). The list of rules is evaluated by all modules from the first rule to the last one.

The rules section is mandatory and it must contain at least one rule.

Each rule is composed of condition, actions, elseactions.

All IDEA messages will be matched with filtering condition consisting of unary and binary operations, constants and JSON paths that are supported by Mentat filter (MFilter). When the IDEA message meets the condition (it is True), the specified list of actions is performed. Otherwise (it is False), the list of elseactions is performed. Both actions and elseactions are optional.

To create condition representing tautology (always true) resp. contradiction (always false), simple use True resp. False.

actions / elseactions

Each rule can specify list of actions in the actions or elseactions lists. An action can be either of an implicitly defined action (see below) or it can be defined in a separate list - custom_actions.

The custom_actions is a list of action identified by id key which can be a string - this identifier is used to reference an action from rule. The actions and elseactions lists in rule are used to reference an action, which can be an implicitly defined action or an action defined in custom_actions.

Example configuration

Minimal Example

This prints all incoming alerts to stdout:

namespace: com.example.nemea
  - id: file
      path: /dev/stdout
  - id: 1
    condition: true
      - file

Tips and Troubleshooting

Reporters are able to parse and check configuration file without actually running. There is --dry option that can be used to do it.

Example (malformed yaml):

$ cat malformedyaml.yaml

 a b: abcdef
1: aaa

$ --dry -c malformedyaml.yaml

Yaml file could not be parsed: expected '<document start>', but found '<block mapping start>'
  in "<string>", line 2, column 1:
    1: aaa
error: Parsing configuration file failed.

Example 2 (working example):

$ cat multiple_actions.yaml

namespace: com.example.nemea
  - id: mark
      path: Test
      value: true
  - id: mongo
      db: rc_test
      collection: alerts
  - id: file
      path: testfile.idea

  - id: whitelist

  - id: 1
    condition: Source.IP4 in whitelist
    - mark
    - file
    - mongo

$ --dry -c multiple_actions.yaml

Namespace: com.example.nemea
Smtp connections:

Address Groups:
ID: 'whitelist' IPs: [IP4('')]
Custom Actions:

	Host: localhost, Port: 27017, DB: rc_test, Collection: alerts

	Path: testfile.idea

	Path: Test, Value: True

1: Source.IP4 in whitelist
	Actions: mark (mark), file (file), mongo (mongo)

Yaml configuration example: pycommon/reporter_config/example.yaml

E-mail body template: pycommon/reporter_config/default.html


Use-case 1 (Mongo + Warden + whitelists + TRAP ifc)

  • if IP is on any whitelist add “_CESNET.Whitelisted = true” to record before storing it to MongoDB
  • always store all alerts into MongoDB
  • alerts from detector1, Category=ASDF and Target in [ list_of_networks ] -> pass to output IFC (to email_sender)
  • don’t send alerts from detector2 with Category=XYZ and with Source IP in whitelist2 to Warden -> drop
  • don’t send alerts with Source IP in main_whitelist to Warden (from any detector) -> drop
  • alerts from detector1, detector2 -> Warden
  • alerts from detector3 -> Warden with Test category

Example in YAML:

namespace: com.example.nemea
- id: warden1
	url: https://warden1
- id: mongo1
  host: localhost
  port: 1234
  db: abcd
  collection: alerts
- id: marktest
	path: category
	value: test
- id: markwhitelisted
	path: _CESNET.Whitelisted
	value: 'True'
- id: main_whitelist
  file: "/var/lib/whitelist1"
- id: whitelist2
- id: 1
  condition: Source.IPv4 in main_whitelist or Target.IPv4 in main_whitelist
  - addwhitelisted:q
  - mongo1
  - mongo1
- id: 2
  condition: Node.SW == ‘detector1’ and Category == ASDF and Target.IPv4 in whitelist2
  - trap
- id: 3
  condition: Source.IPv4 == main_whitelist
  - drop
- id: 4
  condition: Node.SW == 'detector2' and Category == XYZ and Source.IPv4 in whitelist2
  - drop
- id: 5
  condition: Node.SW in [‘detector1’, ‘detector2’]
  - warden1
  - drop
- id: 6
  condition: Node.SW == detector3
  - addtest
  - warden1
  - drop

Appendix 1: Mentat filter

(developed by Jan Mach)

Lexical analyzer accepts the following keywords, i.e. operators:

reserved = {
'or': 	'OP_OR',
'xor':	'OP_XOR',
'and':	'OP_AND',
'not':	'OP_NOT',
'exists': 'OP_EXISTS',

'like': 'OP_LIKE',
'in':   'OP_IN',
'is':   'OP_IS',
'eq':   'OP_EQ',
'ne':   'OP_NE',
'gt':   'OP_GT',
'ge':   'OP_GE',
'lt':   'OP_LT',
'le':   'OP_LE',

'OR': 	'OP_OR',
'XOR':	'OP_XOR',
'AND':	'OP_AND',
'NOT':	'OP_NOT',

'IN':   'OP_IN',
'IS':   'OP_IS',
'EQ':   'OP_EQ',
'NE':   'OP_NE',
'GT':   'OP_GT',
'GE':   'OP_GE',
'LT':   'OP_LT',
'LE':   'OP_LE',

'||': 'OP_OR_P',
'^^': 'OP_XOR_P',
'&&': 'OP_AND_P',
'!':  'OP_NOT',
'?':  'OP_EXISTS',

'=~': 'OP_LIKE',
'~~': 'OP_IN',
'==': 'OP_EQ',
'!=': 'OP_NE',
'<>': 'OP_NE',
'>':  'OP_GT',
'>=': 'OP_GE',
'<':  'OP_LT',
'<=': 'OP_LE',

'+': 'OP_PLUS',
'-': 'OP_MINUS',
'*': 'OP_TIMES',
'/': 'OP_DIVIDE',
'%': 'OP_MODULO'

Therefore, the Mentat filter accepts e.g. the following data:

1 + 1 - 1 * 1 % 1
OR 2 or 2 || 2
XOR 3 xor 3 ^^ 3
AND 4 and 4 && 4
NOT 5 not 5 ! 5
EXISTS 6 exists 4 ? 6
LIKE 7 like 7 =~ 7
IN 8 in 8 ~~ 8
IS 9 is 9
EQ 10 eq 10 == 10
NE 11 ne 11 <> 11 != 11
GT 12 gt 12 > 12
GE 13 ge 13 >= 13
LT 14 lt 14 < 14
LE 15 le 15 <= 15
( eq ::1 eq 2001:afdc::58 eq Source.Node eq "Value 525.89:X><" eq 'Value 525.89:X><')
[1, 2, 3 , 4]